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hello, what kind of romance options are there? :)

Heya! This is a kinetic novel so it's just a linear story you read through.

As for romance
it's there. In a way :)

oh ok

(1 edit) (+1)

1. thank you for making this, i enjoyed it lots and it's essentially my first visual novel

2. i will find you


I now understand the point of visual novels. As good as the writing is the music and art are essential for this experience. As much as I want to kill you for the sudden ending, I need you alive to finish this 


Excited for updates ‼️ super good so far :]

(1 edit) (+2)

The atmosphere feels like a memory,the drawn visuals really sell the feeling of like a shithole small town, the melancholic trip hop soundtrack is straight up stellar and as good as what i presume is it's influences and the characters are intruiging and likable. The ending is really dread inducing in like a david lynch kind of way and really makes me look forward the whole story. Though for me this game is just cool as hell i am certain for some people this game is gonna be one of those life shattering media's . Straight up inspiring 


Thank you so much!!!!! this means a lot, I'm really glad you enjoyed it to such an extent!